JADES Project (Promoting the sexual health of adolescents) in Mali and Niger: feedback on sharing results and strategic planning workshops
29 December 2016 | Informations
JADES Project aims to reduce new HIV infections and deaths and illnesses related to HIV and AIDS raising awareness in young people so that they can take charge of their own health. After the project launching workshops held in spring in Niger and in summer in Mali, the iagnostic phase took place in the two countries. The November strategic workshops allowed sharing the results and planning action for the months to come.
In Mali
These strategic workshops, held in Bamako from November 8 to 10, allowed building a common vision on reproductive and sexual health issues of young people marking the end of the diagnostic phase started in April 2016 and the beginning of the operational phase.
These 3 days were dedicated to the feedback on the studies led in Bamako and Segou on reproductive and sexual health issues of young people in Mali, and then to the collective elaboration of the next modalities of intervention with young people and of the indicators of social change to be followed in order to measure the impact of the project.
These sharing results and strategic planning workshops gathered about forty participants representing all the stakeholders: young people implied in the diagnostic phase of the project, health care professionals of Bamako and Segou, staff from local associations and high school representatives. The project partners were also present, such as the Malian NGOs ASDAP (based in Bamako) and Walé (based in Segou), the international NGO “Equilibres et Populations”, Solthis and the Malian laboratory Miseli in charge of socio-anthropological studies of the project. The three days' workshop was chaired and moderated by Dr Fadima KEITA, head of the health division for young people and adolescents (DSAJ) of National Health Directorate and Reproductive and Sexual Health Department (DSME/DSAJ).
The first day was dedicated to the overview of the offer of health and social services, held by Solthis from January to October 2016, by Centers for youth care with the goal of building a shared view of main issues, obstacles and opportunities regarding the right to reproductive and sexual health of adolescents. The Miseli laboratory also presented its study on opinions and practices of adolescents regarding reproductive and sexual health. The restitution concerned in particular young people means of information, their sexual practices and the communication problems between generations.
The second and third days were dedicated to planning workshops. The participants, first in different groups and then in a plenary session, led a collective reflection with the aim of identifying the changes to be reached and co-building the indicators of these changes with the support of “Equilibres et Populations”, expert on theory of change. According to the results of the overview and the different studies, as well as the group’s discussions, innovating (because they're built with young people on different subjects) operating procedures (radio programs, toll-free national helplines…) have been elaborated for the implementation of the future activities among young people.
In Niger
In Niger, these strategic workshops took place between November 15 and 18. They allowed gathering the actors of the site project in Niamey and Maradi such as the executives of Mother and Child Health Direction (health division for young people and adolescents) of Ministry of Health, Miseli, Centers for youth care representatives in Health structures of Maradi and Niamey regions, representatives of young people, the NGO Lafia Matassa, and the national and international NGOs representatives.
Just as in Bamako, the 1st day was dedicated to the overview of the results, the participatory diagnosis and the review of existing initiatives on reproductive and sexual health, realised with the support of “Equilibres et Populations” as well as the restitution of initial study realised by Miseli laboratory on care for young people infected by HIV, whose improvement is one of the objectives of the project in Niger.
Workshop was chaired by the Health Division for Young People and Adolescents Director and the Mother and Child Health Direction Director. These exchanges allowed the participants to consolidate their collective vision of issues and opportunities.
Based on shared results from the overview, the 2nd and 3rd day led to the definition of issues and strategy of intervention. These activities have been scheduled in a participatory way. The strategy of social change of the project has been elaborated collectively under the technical expertise of the NGO “Equilibres et Populations”.
These workshops in Mali as well as in Niger closed the phase of situational analysis and allowed to co-build a shared vision among all the actors within a participatory approach appreciated by everyone. The exchanges allowed highlighting needs in terms of knowledge regarding reproductive and sexual health rights and examining the means to reach groups of adolescents in school and outside schools that have been scarcely concerned (touched) by the activities.