Support for the implementation of the 2023-2027 strategic plan and updating of the financial and HR management manuals of the non-governmental organization Espoir Pour les Enfants (EPE)
EPE is an NGO under Ivorian law, created in 1995, which is currently active in the following areas: health (HIV/AIDS, tuberculosis, malaria, RH), gender (women’s empowerment, GBV), education and nutrition. In order to improve its performance and the efficiency of its management of the Global Fund project and the other projects it manages, the NGO conducted an organizational and functional diagnosis with the support of “L’Initiative” in April 2022. This capacity building plan highlighted priority points related to governance, administrative and financial management, project management capacities, monitoring and evaluation, communication and capitalization, and gender that deserve special attention to enable EPE’s organizational development. This technical assistance aims to improve the implementation of Global Fund and Expertise France grants (HIV/AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria) and to have a positive impact on EPE’s activities by strengthening its organizational and management capacities.
General Objective:
Strengthen the management and strategic planning capacities of the NGO ESPOIR POUR LES ENFANTS (EPE) in Cote d'Ivoire
Specific Objectives (SO+):
SO1: Support EPE in the development of its strategic plan (2023-2026) including an operational plan and a monitoring-evaluation plan
SO2: Update the administrative, financial and accounting procedures manual, including a procedure for managing risks and conflicts of interest
SO3: Update the human resources management manual, particularly with regard to organizational charts, job descriptions, recruitment and evaluation procedures
SO4: Ensure the appropriation of the new management manuals by EOE staff through a training session
Activities carried out :
– Operationalization of the methodological note
– Documentary review
– Preparatory work conducted by the EPE team
– Workshop to develop the strategic plan and revise the procedures and human resources management manuals
– Pre-validation workshop of the strategic plan
– Drafting of deliverables
– Workshop for the appropriation of the revised tools in order to validate the deliverables
– Validation workshop of the deliverables
Expected Results:
ER1: EPE’s programmatic and operational strategy is clarified, defined, planned and adapted to the size and capacity of the structure and its intervention context
ER2: EPE staff are able to monitor the implementation of its strategic plan
ER3: EPE has up-to-date administrative and financial management manuals that are adapted to the organization
ER4: EPE staff have mastered the content of their management manuals and are able to apply the administrative, financial and HR procedures defined in the manuals
Dates (start/end) | 20/10/2022 30/01/2023 |
Source of funding | Expertise France – Chanel 1 – L'Initiative |
Recipient Name | Espoir pour les Enfants (EPE) |
Budget | 19 600 EUR |
Country | Cote d’Ivoire |