Solthis Therapeutic Solidarity and Initiatives for Health

Health is a right
Having access to it is vital

Associative partners


Solthis is a member of Coordination Sud, an international solidarity organizations' platform. Since December 2012, Solthis is the leader of the Health Commission.


Logo plateforme elsa


Solthis has become a member in 2015 of the ELSA (Together Let's fight against AIDS in Africa) Platform, a consortium of French associations involved in the fight against HIV/AIDS: Sidaction, Le Planning familial, SIS réseau, Solidarité SIDA and Solthis. More than 80 African community based associations are partners of the ELSA platform.



This Health Collective has been founded in 2015 by 8 international solidarity organisations: Action contre la Faim, Equipop, Global health advocates,
Médecins du Monde, Oxfam France, The Planning Familial, Sidaction and Solthis to ask France to keep its financial and political   commitments to global health



Solthis joined the “Groupe Initiatives” in 2018. The “GI” counts 12 international solidarity organizations today and serves as a platform for exchange and sharing experiences and practices to rethink operations in the field and make recommendations of public policies.



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