Composed of international experts in HIV / AIDS, public health and developing it into an advisory role for the definition of programs and actions Solthis. The Working Group is also involved in the field through specific missions support and training.
- Pr Eric ADEHOSSI, Head of Department of Internal Medicine, National Hospital, Niamey (Niger)
- Françoise AEBERHARD, psychologist-consultant, Infectious Diseases Department of Pitié-Salpêtrière Hospital (AP-HP), Paris
- Pr Brigitte AUTRAN, Head of Immunology Laboratory of Cell and Tissue Department, Pitié-Salpêtrière Hospital (AP-HP), Paris
- Elie AZRIA, MD. Gynecology and Obstetrics Department, Bichat-Claude Bernard Hospital (AP-HP), Paris
- Renaud Becquet, INSERM researcher in Epidemiology, INSERM research center U1219, ISPED, University of Bordeaux
- Pr Elisabeth BOUVET, Head of CDAG HIV / HCV / HBV Hospital Bichat-Claude Bernard (AP-HP), Paris
- Pr Olivier BOUCHAUD, Head of Infectious Diseases Department of Avicenne Hospital (AP-HP), Paris
- Pr Gilles BRUCKER, Delegation to International Relations (AP-HP), Paris
- Pr Pierre BUFFET, MD Dermatology Infectious diseases, PhD Microbial biochemistry, Professor of parasitology at the National Institute of Blood Transfusion & Paris Descartes University,
- Pr Vincent CALVEZ, Head of Virology Laboratory Department, Pitié Salpêtrière Hospital (AP-HP), Paris
- Ana CANESTRI, MD. Infectious Diseases Department of Tenon Hospital (AP-HP), Paris
- Guislaine CARCELAIN, MD. Immunology Laboratory of Cell and Tissue Department, Pitié-Salpêtrière Hospital (AP-HP), Paris
- Pr Mohamed CISSE, Head of Dermatology Department of the University Hospital of Donka, Conakry (Guinea)
- Pr Dominique COSTAGLIOLA, Head of Inserm Unit 943, Pierre et Marie Curie University, Paris
- Pr Christian COURPOTIN, Pediatrician, International Consultant
- Pr Patrice DEBRE, Immunology Laboratory of Cell and Tissue Department, Pitié Salpêtrière Hospital (AP-HP), Paris
- Annabel DESGREES-DU-LOU, demographer, research director at IRD and CEPED,
- Pr Diane DESCAMPS, Virology Laboratory, Bichat-Claude Bernard Hospital (AP-HP), Paris
- Charlotte DEZE, MD. Medical coordinator at Doctors without Borders (MSF), Ivory Coast
- Benjamin DJOUDALBAYE, MD. Senior Officer for Health Aids, Tuberculosis and Malaria, African Union
- Pr Marc DOMMERGUES, Chief of Obstetrics and Gynecology Department, Pitié Salpêtrière Hospital (AP-HP), Paris
- Pr Serge EHOLIE, Infectious and Tropical Diseases Department, Treichville Hospital, Abidjan (Ivory Coast)
- Arnaud FONTANET, MD. Head of Unit of Research and Expertise Epidemiology of Emerging Diseases at the Pasteur Institute, Paris
- Pierre FRANGE, MD. Unit of pediatric immunology, hematology and rheumatology at Necker Hospital (AP-HP), Paris
- David GERMANAUD, MD. Pediatric Department of Robert Debré Hospital, Paris
- Pr Pierre-Marie GIRARD, Head of Infectious Diseases Department, Saint Antoine Hospital (AP-HP), Paris
- Florence HUBER, MD. Infectiology and dermatology Department, Cayenne Hospital
- Pr Vincent JARLIER, Head of Bacteriology Department, Pitié-Salpêtrière Hospital (AP-HP), Paris
- Bernard JARROUSSE, MD. Chief of Internal Medicine, Lagny-Marne Valley Hospital
- Pr Christine KATLAMA, Head of the Day Hospital and Clinical Research Unit AIDS Service of Infectious Diseases, Pitié Salpêtrière Hospital (AP-HP), Paris
- Grégoire LURTON, Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation (IHME), Seattle, USA
- Yoann MADEC, PhD in Statistics, Research Unit and expertise, Epidemiology of Emerging Diseases, Institut Pasteur, Paris
- Almoustapha MAIGA, PhD. Virology Laboratory of the Pitié Salpêtrière Hospital (AP-HP), Paris
- Anne-Genevieve MARCELIN, PhD. Virology Department, Pitié-Salpêtrière Hospital (AP-HP), Paris
- Vanina MEYSSONNIER, MD. Internal Medecine Department of the Hospital Croix Saint Simon (AP-HP), Paris
- Pr Robert MURPHY, Head of Global Health Department, Northwestern University Medical School in Chicago
- Charlotte NGO, MD. Gynecology and Obstetrics Department, George Pompidou Hospital (AP-HP), Paris
- Pr Theodore NIYONGABO, Department of Internal Medicine University Hospital Kamenge and Director of the CNR (National Reference Center for HIV / AIDS), Bujumbura (Burundi)
- Joanna ORNE-GLIEMANN, Public health researcher, INSERM research center U1219, ISPED, University of Bordeaux
- Gilles PEYTAVIN, MD. Head of Pharmacology and Toxicology Department, Bichat-Claude Bernard Hospital (AP-HP), Paris
- Cecilia PIZZOCOLO, MD. Department of Infectious Diseases, Saint Louis Hospital (AP-HP), Paris
- Hélène ROGER, International programs director, Sidaction, Paris
- Pr Christine ROUZIOUX, Virology Department, Necker Hospital (AP-HP) and Paris-Descartes University, Paris
- Alliou SYLLA, MD. Chairman of the NGO Arcade Sida, Mali
- Pr Mariam SYLLA, Pediatrics Department,Gabriel Touré Hospital, Bamako (Mali)
- Stéphanie TCHOMBIANO, Coordinator of the think tank “Santé mondiale 2030”
- Tuan TRAN-MINH, MD. International consultant for the French Red Cross
- Roland TUBIANA, MD. Infectious Diseases Department, Pitié-Salpêtrière Hospital (AP-HP), Paris
- Marc-Antoine VALANTIN, MD. Infectious Diseases Department, Pitie-Salpetriere Hospital , Paris
- Jean-Paul VIARD, MD. Infectious Diseases Departement, Hôtel-Dieu Hospital (AP-HP), Paris