Head Office
Head office staff receive an annual salary that reflects their post at Solthis as well as their previous experience (payscale).
Social Security Cover
Health Insurance Plan: In accordance with its statutory obligations, Solthis offers a complementary health insurance policy for all its Head Office personnel. Disability insurance as well as supplementary insurance are also provided.
Solthis reimburses up to 50% of the cost of weekly, monthly or annual travel cards for the Paris – Paris Region zone, only on the provision of receipts.
Meal vouchers
Solthis offers its employees the benefit of meal vouchers.
Solthis offers internships at its Head Office. An internship work contract is required.
Solthis pays stipends in accordance with its legal obligations.
Solthis reimburses interns and volunteers up to 50% of the cost of weekly, monthly or annual travel cards for the Paris – Paris Region zone, only on the provision of receipts. Solthis provides the additional benefit of meal vouchers.
Field Staff
Solthis expatriates may be recruited on different contracts: employee (usually on fixed term contracts, or VSI (Volunteer for International Solidarity) depending on the post and their level of experience, or as a volunteer or an intern. Employees and VSIs Salary/ allowances The basic salary – or allowance- is defined by Solthis' internal payscale, according to the level of responsibility of the post and the expatriate's level of experience. Cost of living allowance (per diems) Expatriate staff also receive a monthly allowance in order to offset their living costs in the country of their employment. The amount varies according to the cost of living in each country. Insurance Solthis offers expatriate staff insurance which covers the main risks. Transport to and from a posting Transport between an expatriate's country of residence and their country of employment at the start and end of the contract is at the cost of Solthis. Solthis deals with administrative formalities and obtaining visas for the departure. Accommodation Expatriates are accommodated individually or with others, according to the level of responsibility of the post and the duration and circumstances of the posting. Family Policy It may be possible for an expatriate to bring their partner or family on a field posting lasting a minimum of twelve months where this is permitted by security conditions and the budget of the project for which the employee is recruited. Security Solthis places a high priority on security. We work to ensure the highest levels of security possible for our expatriate teams through constant analysis of the operational context as well as by putting in place security and evacuation procedures. Solthis has more than ten years of operational experience in fragile states. Interns Interns are sent into the field on an ad hoc basis to provide technical support or for the purpose of operational research. An internship work contract is required. Volunteers Volunteers may be recruited to the field on an ad hoc basis to provide technical support. Solthis will pay all costs associated with the posting (visa, plane tickets to and from the posting, vaccinations, shared accommodation.) We provide a living allowance and travel insurance covering health and repatriation for the duration of the posting.
The contracts of locally employed staff are subject to national employment law. Pay Locally employed staff are paid an annual salary that reflects their post within Solthis, the country of operation as well as their previous experience (payscale). Benefits Benefits specific to the country of operation may be offered.