10 years of Solthis
Solthis HIV Forum
In 2013, on the occasion of its 10th anniversary, Solthis organized an international forum in Paris on the 19th and 20th September 2013 instead of its traditional annual Scientific Day: The Solthis HIV Forum, which has highlighted the new challenges in the fight against HIV/AIDS in Africa. More than 200 actors of the fight against HIV/AIDS and development, doctors, researchers, public actors, associations and funders assembled at Pierre and Marie Curie University. Hope has been brought by the results of « Cure » and « Treatment as prevention», however it has been counterbalanced by the uncertainty of HIV/AIDS funding. Aware of this context, Solthis wanted this Forum to be the opportunity to discuss about new ideas and concrete propositions so as to pursue universal access to health.
4 current issues related to the « New challenges of HIV in Africa » were debated:
- Research: Prevention, recovery, remission, eradication of HIV: where do we stand?
- Socio-economic sciences: Challenges of mother-to-child transmission and access to medicines
- Medical: 10 years after the arrival of antiretroviral therapy in Africa, what challenges?
- International politics: HIV in the political agenda after 2015
International renowned speakers have led the sessions: Pr Françoise Barré- Sinoussi, Nobel Prize and President of International Aids Society, Dr Asier Sáez-Cirión from Institut Pasteur, Pr Gilles Pialoux from Tenon Hospital, Pr Jean Pierre Olivier de Sardan, founder of LASDEL in Niger, Dr German Velasquez from SNIS, Pr Serge Eholié from Treichville Hospital in Ivory Coast, Pr Robert Murphy from the University of Northwestern in the United States, Pr Rifat Atun from Imperial College London and Mark Dybul, Execituve Director of the Global Fund.
International Institutions involved in the fight against HIV/AIDS were also represented: ANRS (President Jean-François Delfraissy and Benjamin Coriat), UNAIDS (Léopold Zekeng) and the Bill&Melinda Gates Foundation (Stefano Bertozzi).
The civil society was also represented, such as AIDES and Sidaction, as well as research institutes (EHESS, ISPED, IRD) and many French and African university health centers. The forum has been covered by RFI with the realization of a live radio broadcast featuring Priorité Santé magazine by Claire Hédon.
All presentations and videos are avaiblable in the french part of this website
The photography exhibition: “10 years of commitment “
On the occasion of its 10th anniversary, Solthis organized an exhibition from September 9th to 20th 2013 at the Pierre-and-Marie-Curie University (Paris 6th). It aims to raise the past and current challenges of the fight against HIV/ AIDS and to discover Solthis'evolution and actions on its different fields of intervention.
An online version of the exhibit has been created for this special event.