4 June 2024 | Talking about us
GUINEAPromoting Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights

Friday, May 24, 2024, the Association des Blogueurs de Guinée (ABLOGUI), in partnership with Solthis, launched its mobile application GquiOse! Developed as part of the PAJES project, this application aims to improve the Sexual and Reproductive Rights and Health of young people and to fight against gender-based violence through dematerialized channels.
GquiOse offers a wide range of functions: read articles; take a quiz; track your menstrual cycle; join a forum; view testimonial videos; locate health facilities with itineraries; book an appointment with a health professional; ask questions anonymously and get reliable answers, etc.
On this occasion, the newspaper Média Guinée.com covered the event. Click here to discover their article (in french). To download the GquiOse application: https://bit.ly/3V10HKO