Solthis Therapeutic Solidarity and Initiatives for Health

Health is a right
Having access to it is vital

Our modes of intervention to multiply the impact of our action



In order to meet its intervention priorities, Solthis adopted a high-impact intervention approach based on 3 modes:


Capacity building and empowerment: Solthis intervenes to support health professionals, structures and authorities, as well as civil society organizations, with a strategy of strengthening their capacities, providing counseling and supporting change.

Operational research to analyze and understand barriers to access to healthcare. Conducting innovative projects to identify, test and evaluate sustainable solutions based on field experience.

Advocacy to bring change into public health policies using our medical and scientific expertise.


By combining these three modes of intervention, Solthis has developed an approach that allows it to multiply and sustain the impact of its programs and ensure the transition to partners and the scaling up of its interventions.

Solthis 3 modes of intervention : Advocacy, Operational research, capacity building and empowerment

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