Solthis Therapeutic Solidarity and Initiatives for Health

Health is a right
Having access to it is vital

Solthis in Côte d’Ivoire

Country Director: Olivier GEOFFROY

Operational and Technical Team

  • Coordinator of the POWER and AGIR projects: Noël Kouassi N’GUESSAN
  • Coordinator of the TPE ADVIH project : Sandra OUEGANG FONKUI
  • Coordinator of the IMPAACT4HIV project : Albane SIBOURD-BAUDRY
  • Coordinator of the IMPAACT4HIV project : Aka Jules NDRAMAN
  • Medical Manager IMPAACT4HIV project : Abdoulaye DADIE
  • Monitoring and Evaluation Manager: Kouamé Hervé KOUAKOU
  • Service Offer Manager: Kady KOUROUMA épse GRAMBOUTE
  • Midwife Supervisor: Laetitia TIEMOKO épse TOURE
    Empowerment Manager: Marie-Laure AMAN

Administrative and Finance Team

  • Administrative and Financial Manager: Aminata BALLO
  • Administrator-Accountant: Marie-Ange N’GUESSANT

Support Team

  • Logistics Assistant: Wilfried KOFFI
  • Driver: Essis Etienne ESSIES
  • Maintenance agent : Landry KOUADIO

Contact the local office in Abidjan:

Bld Loraine, Immeuble SICOMEX, near the paroisse Ste Thérèse

Marcory Centre, Abidjan

Tel : +225 89 34 49 13



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