Solthis Therapeutic Solidarity and Initiatives for Health

Health is a right
Having access to it is vital

Pediatric management in the context of Ebola: partnership between Solthis and Fondation Enfants d’Urgence

27 May 2015 |  Informations

SIERRA LEONEInfectious and emerging diseases

The health crisis caused by the Ebola outbreak in Sierra Leone has disorganized the health services and the vital access to treatments for children with chronic diseases such as HIV/Aids.

Thanks to Fondation Enfants d'Urgence and others partners, Solthis is implementing a program to allow children followed in the major pediatric hospital of the country to access to care and ART treatments.

Solthis' pediatrician supports and trains caregivers of HIV services from this hospital for children from the capital, Freetown.





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