Louis Pizarro is a member of teh steering committe of this NTDs network directed by AVIESAN
15 April 2016 | Informations
Neglected tropical diseases (NTDs) are a diverse group of tropical diseases that are common in low-income populations in developing regions of Africa, Asia, and America.
They are caused by various pathogens, primarily by helminth or protozoa parasites, but also viruses and bacteria.
In Sub-Saharan Africa, the total impact for these pathologies is comparable to malaria and tuberculosis. Some of these pathologies can be prevented or treated by means that are accessible in more developed countries, but not in the poorest regions of the world. However, in some cases, the treatments are relatively inexpensive.
In 2012, the World Health Organization (WHO) launched an action plan to eliminate 17 of these rampant diseases in tropical areas. A major international mobilization has since emerged and in 2015, at the initiative of Chancellor Angela Merkel, the theme of NTDs was included in the G7 agenda in Berlin.
France has an important expertise: research institutions (IRD, Pasteur Institute, CIRAD, INSERM, CNRS, etc.), universities, Southern partners, NGOs, government counterparts (AFD), companies pharmaceutical (Sanofi-Aventis, etc.) are mobilized to fight against NTDs.
This is why at the initiative of the National Alliance for Life and Health Sciences (Aviesan), it was decided to launch this Francophone network to unite this French expertise and make it visible.
On April 2016 7th and 8th, took place in Montpellier the official launch of this network which was attended by Dr Louis PIZARRO, Solthis CEO and by Dr. Guillaume BRETON, Scientific Director
Louis PIZARRO is also a member of the steering committee of this NTDS network
IRD Press relaease in French : Voir le communiqué de presse de l'IRD pour le lancement des 7 et 8 avril
AVIESAN presentation on this NTDs Network in French : Voir la présentation du consortium sur le site AVIESAN