Conakry : 50 HIV health-care workers trained on the usefulness and interpretation of viral load tests' results
7 April 2017 | Informations
From the 21-22 & 23-24th of March 2017, Solthis team in Guinea organized in partnership with the National Program for Health Care and Prevention of STIs / HIV / AIDS (PNPSCP), two training sessions for 50 HIV care actors (Doctors, nurses, biologists, pharmacists and psychosocial agents) on the usefulness and interpretation of viral load tests' results.
The training sessions were organized under the OPP-ERA project-phase 2 funded by UNITAID and implemented by a consortium of French partners. The project aims at improving access to affordable Viral load tests and early HIV diagnosis for children by promoting Open Polyvalent Platform (OPP) in four West and Central African countries : Guinea, Côte d’Ivoire, Cameroon and Burundi.
During the two sessions, participants benefited from: (i) communications on UNAIDS goal 90-90-90, HIV virology, ARV treatment principles and resistances, adherence and biological monitoring of patients under ARV, sampling and results announcement protocols, results interpretation, and (ii) case studies on viral load testing, results announcement and interpretation, and on therapeutic adherence strengthening
Solthis Head of mission in Guinea reaffirmed Solthis’ commitment to support Guinea to accomplish 90-90-90 by 2020. Professor Mohamed Cissé, Coordinator of out-patient health center at Donka Donka Hospital, stressed on the usefulness of measuring viral load to control HIV but also to prevent its transmission within the community. Note that when the viral load is undetectable, the risks of HIV transmission are almost zero. Dr. Youssouf Koita,PNPCSP Coordinator, took up this message by comparing the lack of knowledge about patients ‘ viral load results to “driving a vehicle blindfolded”.
Find out more about the OPP-ERA project in Guinea
Read more about UNITAID’s HIV / AIDS interventions