Solthis was initially created to tackle the HIV epidemic and to provide widespread access to quality and sustainable care. In 2003, the epidemiological data was alarming, mortality and incidence were constantly increasing in Africa and access to antiretroviral treatment covered only a tiny fraction of the needs.
Persistent needs
Despite considerable progress, the HIV situation remains a concern worldwide and progress has been slowed by the Covid-19 pandemic. According to data collected by the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria in 32 countries in Africa and Asia, HIV testing declined by 41% in 2020 and referrals for diagnosis and treatment declined by 37% during initial confinements in 2019.
In West and Central Africa, 200,000 new infections have been recorded in the region (63% among women and girls), representing 13% of new infections worldwide, with only 77% of people living with HIV knowing their status. While the majority (73%) of people who know their HIV status are accessing ARV treatment, access to viral load testing remains limited, most patients who are not receiving treatment are not receiving second-line treatment, and many patients are lost to follow-up. In addition, key populations, along with their partners and clients, account for 65% of new infections and fuel the dynamics of infection because of their difficult access to care due to stigma and, in some countries, criminalization.
Our Action: “Ending Inequality. Ending HIV”.
To face these persistant needs, Solthis continues its efforts to contribute to the achievement of the UNAIDS 2021-2026 global strategy “Ending Inequality. End HIV” with ambitious goals aiming to reach by 2026: 95% of people living with HIV have access to knowledge of their status, treatment and viral load suppression, and services to eliminate mother-to-child transmission of the virus; 90% of people living with HIV get preventive treatment for tuberculosis; less than 10% of people living with HIV and key populations experience stigma and discrimination; less than 10% of people living with HIV, women and girls, and key populations experience inequality and gender-based violence.
In this perspective, Solthis’ actions to end HIV target the following priorities:
improving access to testing, with a particular emphasis on self-testing as a continuation of the ATLAS project
improving prevention of mother-to-child HIV transmission, care for HIV-exposed children, and treatment for infected children,
improving care for infected children and adolescents
improving the quality of care through the mobilization of users and civil society
improving access to viral load testing and the use of its results, particularly for the management of virological failure
improving the diagnosis and management of co-morbidities (tuberculosis, cardiovascular pathologies, HPV, opportunistic infections, etc.) in people living with HIV
improving access to injectable antiretroviral treatments
fight against stigmatization (status sharing, peer involvement)
taking into account the psychosocial dimensions of both HIV prevention and care
Presentation by Dr Sy, public health doctor and founding member of the Guinean Women's Association for the fight against sexually transmitted diseases. (in French)
AFRAVIH 2024 – Introduction of the HIV/syphilis duo test: the challenges of triple elimination in 33 integrated health centers in 5 regions of Niger
AFRAVIH 2024 – Contribution of GeneXpert HIV to the management of HIV-exposed infants in the pediatric ward of Ignace Deen in Guinea (ANRS 12412 IPOP project)
Presentation by Dr Guillaume Breton, infectious pathologies and research referent, on technical assistance for a situational analysis of pediatric HIV care in Cameroon. (in french)
The 7th Global Symposium on Health Systems Research, the HSR 2022,has been held in Bogota from October 31st to November 4th 2022, Solthis has presented a poster on its experience in coaching healthcare professionals in Mali.
The poster is available on this link.
AFRAVIH 2020 – Can task shifting improve efficiency of HIV self-testing kits distribution ? A case study in Mali
AFRAVIH 2020 – Is manufacturer’s instruction for use sufficient in a multilingual and low literacy context ? The example of HIV self-testing in West Africa
AFRAVIH 2020 – A pragmatic approach to building the capacity of health structures and health workers to provide quality care for people living with HIV
Challenges of HIV self-tests distribution for index testing in a context where HIV status disclosure is low: preliminary experience of the ATLAS project in Bamako, Mali
Presentation of the poster "Low retention of patients in antiretroviral treatment during recent Ebola outbreak in Conakry" during the International AIDS Conference 2016 in Durban
Dowload the poster
En savoir plus sur la IAS
Solthis' Report: “Managing Risk in Fragile States: Putting Health First! Optimising the Efficiency of the Global Fund’s Grants”
“Managing Risk in Fragile States: Putting Health First!
Optimising the Efficiency of the Global Fund's Grants”
This evidence-based report is the result of a work over several months, including 4 missions (Guinea, Mali, Niger and Sierra Leone) and interviews with 140 stakeholders. Through this work, we identified bottlenecks in the implementation of the Global Fund's grants in the field, showing that the Global Fund's Risk Management Policy is not well-adapted to fragile states. The additional safeguard measures which have been put in place by the Secretariat after the investigations of the Office of the Inspector General were meant to mitigate the financial risks and to reassure donors. However, experiences in challenging operating environments clearly show that these measures are mainly focused on financial risks and have caused significant malfunctions that jeopardise both the impact and the sustainability of the programmes.
In order to make progress and to cope with the challenges specific to fragile states, we think it is now time for the Board members and the donors of the Global Fund to opt for an ambitious and innovative policy, which would put financial risk at its proper place: behind risks to public health.
The main recommendations we are addressing in the report aim to place the public health risk at the centre of the mechanism, by:
Improving the balance between the analysis and the management of the different risks.
Simplifying and clarifying the control procedures: limit the number of contractors and the levels of validation.
Defining indicators or objectives for terminating additional safeguard measures to encourage appropriation and capacity building.
Investigating the possibility of an increased presence of the Global Fund in the field, by missions of several weeks or several months.
Adapting the indicators and procedures of performance-based funding and accountability measures to fragile states.
Presentation of the poster “access to HIV care in the health districts affected by the Ebola outbreak in Sierra Leone” for the CROI 2016.
Download the poster
Official Website : CROI 2016
Analyse des enjeux d’un partenariat public/privé (PPP) en matière de prise en charge du VIH/Sida. Etude de cas dans la région minière de Boké (République de Guinée)
Compliance in Niger : a socio-anthropological approach useful for action
Author(s) : JP. Olivier de Sardan, L. Pizarro, A. Diarra, A. Moumouni, C. Nicoué
Author(s) : A. Calmy, C. Pizzocolo, L. Pizarro, G. Brücker, R. Murphy, C. Katlama and the Strategies in Resource-Limited Settings Working Group
Journal : AIDS - 2008, 22:2227-2230
Author(s) : A. Madec, D. Germanaud, V. Moya-Alvarez, W. Alkassoum, A. Issa, M. Amadou, S. Tchiombiano, C. Pizzocolo, F. Huber, S. Diallo, R. Abdoulaye-Mamadou
Journal : PLOS ONE - Volume 6 - Issue 7 - e22787
Presentation of Solthis and Donka National Hospital poster on the 'impact of the Ebola outbreak on the quality of care of people living with HIV taking antiretroviral treatment at Donka National Hospital in Conakry, Guinea'
More informations about CROI 2015
On the occasion of the 17th International Conference on AIDS and STIs in Africa (ICASA), Solthis organized the December 10th, with the participation of EGPAF, ICAP and MSH, a satellite on quality improvement. Oriented on field experiences, exchanges have helped to highlight the current challenges and the main advances.
Solthis collaborated in the special issue of Transcriptases magazine (spring 2012), focusing on ICASA 2011 Addis Ababa. As such, Solthis members published many articles.
Le processus de contrôle fiduciaire du Fonds mondial vu du terrain : l’exemple de la composante VIH au MaliAuthor(s) : Louis Pizarro, S. Tchiombiano, S. Calmettes
Création d’un hôpital de jour à l’Hôpital National de Niamey : Le vécu des patients sur l’évolution du continuum de soins
Autor(s) : S. Mohamadou, M. Idé, G. Lurton, E. Adehossi, B. Madougou, H. Toure, E. Guillard, F. Huber, C. Dézé, S. Diallo
Download the posterMettre en œuvre un programme public d’éducation thérapeutique des patients vivants avec le VIH dans les centres prescripteurs d’un pays à ressources limitées : l’expérience du Niger
Autor(s) : Fati Maiga, Agnès Certain, Hadiza Baoua, Mamane Harouna, Caroline Gallais, Oumarou Seybou, Souleymanou Mohamadou, Pierre Teisseire, Sanata Diallo, Florence Huber, Sophie Calmettes, Etienne Gillard
Download the posterPrévalence du risque cardiovasculaire évalué d’après les mesures des plis cutanés - Étude transversale au Niger
Autor(s) : V. Moyà Alvarez I. Baragé, Y. Hanki, I. Dillé, F. Huber, G. Lurton, Y. Madec
Download the posterLa difficulté du suivi des enfants infectés par le VIH au CHU Gabriel Touré de Bamako (Mali)
Autor(s) : M. Sylla, H. Coulibaly, F. Dicko-Traoré, A. Akondé, G. Lurton, A. Diakité, A. Diallo, C. N'Diaye, M. Traoré, S. Touré, N. Koné, T. Sidibé
Download the posterUne prévalence préoccupante de résistances transmises aux antirétroviraux chez les hommes ayant des relations sexuelles avec des hommes à Madagascar
Autor(s) : S. Andriantsimietry, F. Lamontagne, M. Randria, M.L. Chaix, L. Pizarro, R.L. Razanakolona, C. Rouzioux
Download the posterEnjeu de la prévision des besoins avec des données faibles : expérience d'utilisation de projections par scénarios en Guinée
Autor(s) : G. Lurton, M. Diallo, E. Guillard
Download the posterComparaison de l'apport des examens microbiologiques au diagnostic de la tuberculose chez les PVVIH au Niger. Données préliminaires d'une étude interventionnelle
Autor(s) : M. Idé, S. Mohamadou, A. Yacouba, O. Seybou, R. Abba, S. Mamadou, F. Lamontagne, I. Diallo, G. Lurton, F. Huber, S. Diallo
Download the posterLe défi de la coordination des approvisionnements : l'exemple réussi du "Groupe Approvisionnement" au Niger
Autor(s) : Z. Ankourao, I. Mato, A. Messan Ganfled, S. Ouvrard, E. Guillard
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Consolider l’apprentissage des connaissances thérapeutiques sur le bon usage des traitements ARV par les professionnels de santé à partir d’un jeu de carte innovant : « La thérapeutique VIH en jeu»Author(s) : Charlotte Dézé, E. Guillard, S. Ouvrard, M. Diallo, P. Autret
Dealing with uncertainty the challenge of long term projections in low data resources countries
Author(s) : M. Diallo, G. Lurton, E. Guillard
Connaître son virus, connaître son épidémie : contribution de la virologie moléculaire à la compréhension de l’épidémie VIH
Author(s) : Franck Lamontagne
Presentation non available
Identification d'un cluster viral à l'origine d'un taux élevé de résistance primaire aux ARV au niveau national : le cas singulier de Madagascar
Author(s) : F. Lamontagne, S. Andriantsimietry, M.L. Chaix, M. Randria, J. Nely, C.B. Ramamonjisoa, J.S. Lalao, H. Rahasana, G. Lurton, L. Pizarro, F. Huber, R.L. Razanakolona, C. Rouzioux
Download the posterBilan de 10 ans de prise en charge pédiatrique au CHU Gabriel Touré de Bamako (Mali)
Author(s) : M. Sylla, H. Coulibaly, F. Dicko-Traoré, A. Akondé, G. Lurton, A.A. Diakité, A. Diallo, C.N'Diaye, M. Traoré, S. Touré, N. Koné, T. Sidibé
Download the posterHétérogénéité des pratiques et difficultés diagnostiques de la tuberculose chez les personnes infectées par le VIH à Niamey, Niger
Author(s) : R. Abba, F. Lamontagne, M. Souleymanou, O. Seybou, Y. Hanki, S. Diallo, G. Lurton, S. Mamadou
Download the posterManifestations neurologiques chez les patients hospitalisés au CHU de Conakry : un diagnostic à améliorer compte tenu de leur impact majeur sur la mortalité
Author(s) : G. Choaken, R. Vilain, F. Lamontagne, G. Lurton, M. Barry, A.A.S. Diallo, L. Laho, D. Mandiou, E. Papot, F. Huber, M. Cissé
Download the posterOffrir systématiquement le dépistage VIH en milieu de soin : une urgence de santé publique
Author(s) : R. Vilain, G. Choaken, F. Lamontagne, G. Lurton, M. Barry, A.A.S Diallo, L. Laho, D. Mandiou, E. Papo, M. Cissé, F. Huber
Download the posterAméliorer la prévention de la transmission du VIH de la mère à l'enfant en Guinée selon une démarche participative d'accompagnement au changement
Author(s) : C. Dézé, H. Yous, A. Keita, T.C. Sidibé, S. Calmettes, N. Barsacq, F. Lamontagne
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High prevalence of antiretroviral drug resistance among HIV-1-untreated patients in Guinea-Conakry and in Niger
The prevention of mother-to-child transmission of HIV in Mali: HIV-positive pregnant women and loss to follow-up in the Segou region (Mali)Author(s) : T. Mutel, A. Akondé, A. Doumbia, D. Coulibaly Traore, M. Diarra, F. Maiga, B. Coulibaly, L. Pizarro, F. Perez
Encourage appropriate use of pediatric antiretrovirals with a demonstration kit in pharmacies results 18 months after kit was made available in 2 HIV/AIDS pediatric treatment centers in Niamey, Niger
Author(s) : S. Ouvrard, I. Also Mariama, O. Zalika, E. Guillard
Author(s) : J. Landier, A. Akondé, C. Pizzocolo, I. Haidara, M. Drabo, L. Pizarro, A. Fontanet, C. Katlama, Y. Madec
Journal : AIDS Care - Janvier;23(1):75-8
HIV prevalence and renutrition in children hospitalised for severe malnutrition in Niamey (Niger)
Autor(s) : R. Maiga-Mamadou, W. Alkassoum, M. Hamadou, A. Abdou, C. Pizzocolo, S. Diallo, C. Dezé, V. Moya-Alvarez, F. Huber, Y. Madec
HIV prevalence and renutrition in children hospitalised for severe malnutrition in Niamey (Niger)Autor(s) : R. Maiga-Mamadou, W. Alkassoum, M. Hamadou, A. Abdou, C. Pizzocolo, S. Diallo, C. Dezé, V. Moya-Alvarez, F. Huber, Y. Madec
High prevalence of transmitted drug resistance in HIV-1-infected Antiretroviral-naïve Patients from Conakry, Guinea ConakryAuthor(s) : M. Diakite, C. Charptentier, P. Bellecave, M. Cisse, G. Peytavin, B. Djoudalbaye, L. Pizarro, C. Katlama, F. Huber, B. Masquelier, D. Descamps
Evolution de la prise en charge du VIH à Ségou entre 2003 et 2009
Author(s) : L. Diakité, D. Katilé, , N. Diallo, A. Doumbia, MS. Koné, B. Coulibaly, A. Sidibé, Y. Coulibaly, A. Akondé, G. Lurton, F. Huber
Download the presentationEvaluation de la mise en place du dépistage et de la prise en charge du VIH au centre antituberculeux Carrière, à Conakry (Guinée)
Author(s) : LM. Camara, B. Bah, D. Touré, P. Kourouma, L. Hajouji, C. Katlama, F. Huber, O. Sow
Download the presentationDélégation de la prescription des antirétroviraux aux paramédicaux dans la PTME à Ségou (Mali)
Author(s) :A. Doumbia, A. Sidibé, AT. Traoré, A. Akondé, F.Z.T. Sangaré, DC. Traoré, M. Maiga, AM. Soumaré, F.D. Cissé, SD. Naman, G. Lurton, C. Katlama, F. Huber
Download the presentationCharge virale en routine dans un pays à ressources limitées : le cas du Niger
Author(s) : Dr Hanki, H. Yahayé, S. Mamadou, I. Aboubacar, R. Ali Maazou, I. Dillé, C. Dézé, S. Diallo, F. Huber, M. Amadou, F. Maïga
Download the presentationL'épidémiologie des perdus de vue dans les programmes VIH/SIDA
Author(s) : E. Poulet, M. Pujades-Rodriguez
Download the presentationL'approche anthropologique des ruptures de suivi médical des personnes vivant avec le VIH : l'exemple de Kayes (Mali)
Author(s) : S. Carillon, V. Petit
Download the presentationLes patients sous ARV perdus de vue : l'expérience de l'ONG WALE
Author(s) : D. KatiléDownload the presentation
Corrélation entre les activités d'éducation thérapeutiques (ETP) et l'échappement virologique au Niger : Les activités d'ETP sont-elles favorables au succès virologique ?
Autor(s) : H.Baoua, M. Naba Fati, I.Amy, F.Maïga, M.Saidou, G.Lurton, S.Diallo, E.Guillard, F.Huber., L.Pizarro
Download the posterCréation d'un outil permettant de visualiser simplement la couverture des besoins en ARV dans un contexte d'extension de la prise en charge
Autor(s) : E. Guillard, X. Paris, S. Ouvrard, M. Diallo, L. Pizarro
Download the posterPremière évaluation nationale de la réponse virologique aux antirétroviraux à Madagascar
Autor(s) : S. Andriantsimietry, F. Lamontagne, M. Randria, J. Nely, S. Randriamampionona, VJ. Soanomena, WR Lehimena, JN Andriambelo, F. Huber, L.R. Razanakolana
Download the poster"Effet-centre" et fidélisation du patient infecté par le VIH dans le circuit de soin. Expérience de 2 pays Ouest-africains
Autor(s) : F. Huber, A. Akondé, G. Lurton, I. Kamaye, AB. Dicko, S. Diallo, S. Tchiombiano, N. Daries, P. Teisseire, L. Pizarro
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After Paris, Montreal, Brussels, actors in the fight against HIV gathered in Casablanca on March 28 to 31, for the Fifth Conference of Francophone fight against AIDS
Doctors, researchers, associations and instititutionnels, South and North, have answered the call for four days of scientific discussions, experience sharing and solidarity!
On this occasion, Solthis mobilized to participate in this major event in the fight against HIV: a delegation of 40 people, 4 oral presentations, 4 posters, a symposium and a stand!
Read Solthis interviews with the Presidents of the Conference: Professor Hakima Himmich, Professor Eric Delaporte and Professor Gilles Brucker
Symposium 1 - Sunday, March 28 at 16h - Room Jouad El JaiPerspectives on the overlooked: which tools for what response?
Diagnosis, by epidemiologist Elizabeth Chicken (Epicentre).How to measure the level of defaults and how to define the issues of sight loss?
The analysis, by anthropologist Séverine Carillon (CEPED).Possible causes with the example of those lost to in Kayes, Mali.
Treatment, by Dr. Drissa Katile (NGOs Wale).The example of the active search for patients in Segou, Mali.
This number is published on the occasion of the Francophone Conference, Solthis revisits some of which abstracts will be presented.Interviews with Himmich Pr, Pr Pr Delaporte & Brucker, the co-chairs of the Conference
Screening: The déspistage initiated by the Caregiver and the rapid screening tests
Biological monitoring: Reactions of experts to study the DART
Folder on the phenomenon of Lost to: What tools? what response?
Tuberculosis: The MDR / XDR and Practical Guide to WHO in its fight against infections
Folder on the new WHO recommendationsPharmacy management tools
April 21, Solthis and GIP ESTHER organized a return of the 17th Conference on Retroviruses and Opportunistic Infections(CROI) held in San Francisco from February 16 to 20, 2010. This restoration has focused on the news of HIV to developing countries.
Moderator : Professor Christine Katlama (Solthis) and Pr Yazdan Yazdanpanah (CH Tourcoing)
Introduction : Professor Gilles Brucker, Director of ESTHER
Access to viral load : new technologies by Professor Christine Rouzioux, Necker Hospital for Sick Children
News Mother and Child by Dr. Catherine Dollfus, Armand Trousseau Hospital
Co-infections : TB / HIV by Dr. William Breton, Pitié Salpêtrière
Access to ARVs - Lost to - Sexual transmission of HIV by Dr. Gilles Raguin, ESTHER
Conclusion : Professor Christine Katlama, Pitié-Salpêtrière
The presentations can be downloaded :
Level of viral load and antiretroviral resistance after 6 months of non-nucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitor first-line treatment in HIV-1-infected children in Mali
Author(s) : D. Germanaud, A. Derache, M. Traoré, Y. Madec, S. Touré, F. Dicko, H. Coulibaly, M. Traoré, M. Sylla, V. Calvez, AG. Marcelin
Journal : Journal of Antimicrobial Chemotherapy - 2010 Jan;65(1):118-24
Solthis, GIP Esther and the Point G Hospital, organized the seminar "resistance" on 10 and 11 December 2009 in Bamako. More than fifty doctors and biologists from all over the country attended this training on viral load and resistance to ARVs patients living with HIV / AIDS. Several clinical cases were presented by the Malian and discussed with national medical authorities, also attended by experts from the Pitie-Salpetriere Hospital in Paris: Professor Christine Katlama, Prof. Vincent Calvez, Dr. Anne Genevieve Marcelin and Dr. Roland Tubiana .
The Scientific Days, organized by the ULSS and CMT, in partnership with Solthis and GIP Esther, took place on 2 and 3 October 2009 in Niamey in the presence of Professor Katlama (Solthis President), Prof. Brucker (Treasurer Solthis and CEO of Esther) but also of Dr Kassi (Ivory Coast) and Professor Toure (Senegal).
More than 250 physicians, health professionals, representatives of the fight against HIV, tuberculosis in Niger attended these days. Many topics on Chess therapeutic Opportunistic Infections, PMTCT, Accidents of exposure to blood and the delegation of tasks were discussed.
The 15th International Conference on AIDS and Sexually Transmitted Infections in Africa was held from 3 to 7 December 2008 in Dakar. It was an important time to take stock of the various initiatives in the fight against HIV / AIDS implemented in Africa.
For Solthis, this conference was an opportunity to present at international level, the work done for 5 years, its action on the ground every day, in direct support of care teams and national health policies. Several papers were presented by members of Solthis, a satellite-symposium was organized, open to the public of broadcasts in partnership with RFI have been put in place ... Every day, the teams were present at booth to greet visitors and answer their questions.
An oral presentation
View lost in Segou (Mali) What drives HIV patients who receive free care to give it up and leave the circuit centers of care?
To try to answer this question, Gregory Lurton, project manager of information systems, presented the investigation into the missing=in Segou and the work on information system support.
View lost in Segou, Gregory Lurton
Communications posted
Solthis' teams participated to the drafting of several posters presented at the congress.
Solthis, in partnership with the Respasi (African Network of Practitioners Providing the Medical Management of People Living with HIV AIDS), held a symposium on satellite support transfronalière of phas in Africa. Indeed, more and more patients living with HIV / AIDS are required to travel within Africa. These movements can compromise the quality of their support for issues related to harmonization of the provision of care, equity of access to care, monitoring and tracking of patients and the vulnerability of these patients.
Solthis and the issuance of Priority Health Hédon Claire, broadcast daily on RFI, have partnered to offer the public a forum of ICASA. A recording booth in the center of the village association was installed to host two shows.
Priority health - Thursday, december 4
The first issuance took hold of the XV ICASA for an update on the current state of research on treatments against HIV: what the state of research in the North and the South?
Professor Jean-Francois Delfraissy, Director of the ANRS, Professor Papa Salif Sow, Co-Chair of the Scientific Program Committee of the XV ICASA and Dr Diallo Sanata, medical coordinator in Niger Solthis met to take stock of research and its implementation in countries in Africa. They answer questions from the public and Claire Hédon of ICASA.
Priority health - Friday, december 5
What about access to treatment in Africa, what is the state of care for patients living with HIV / AIDS?
In a second issue carried out as part of the XV ICASA, Claire Hédon pose his questions to Professor Christine Katlama of Pitie Salpetriere Hospital in Paris, and President of Solthis, Dr. Alain Akondé, Medical Coordinator for Solthis Mali and Pr Serge Eholié CHU Treichville in Abidjan.
Les perdus de vue de la région de Ségou, au Mali
Author(s) : G. LurtonDownload the presentationPrise en charge transfrontalière des PVAVS : le point de vue du soignant
Author(s) : S. DialloDownload the presentationMigrations transfrontalières en Afrique de l'Ouest : le regard des sciences sociales
Author(s) : S. TchiombianoDownload the presentationContinuum des soins et politique d'accès aux traitements des IST/VIH/SIDA dans les cinq pays du Corridor Abidjan-Lagos
Author(s) : J. KoffiDownload the presentationLa PEC transfrontalière des PVVIH : recommandations
Author(s) : S. DialloDownload the presentationQuestions posées et enjeux de l'adoption d'une loi spécifique sur le VIH/sida : le cas du Niger
Author(s) : S. TchiombianoDownload the presentation
HIV/AIDS care and follow-up on a national scale in low resource settings: experience of the Niger Initiative on Antiretroviral Access (INAARV), NigerAuthor(s) : M. Ide, Y. Madec, M. Boubacar, E. Adehossi, C. Dezé, GM. Lawal, O. Amadou, S. Diallo, C. Pizzocolo, IA. Touré, S. Mamadou, C. Katlama and the National Technical Committee
Download the presentationPilot cell comprehensive care: a multidisciplinary service orientation and listening PHAs, NigerAuthor(s) : A. Alzouma, C. Dezé, B. Sabo, M. Bako, S. Maman, I. Mourtala, M. Goundara, F. Djermakoye, M. Ide, F. Aeberhard
Download the presentationThe impact of prior recourse to traditional medicine on the out-of-pocket expenditure of HIV/AIDS patients in NigerAuthor(s): S. Walker, S. Tchiombiano, A. Maiga, R. Hassane, M. Idé, AH. Souna, V. Bignon, O. Weil, L. Pizarro
Download the presentationIncidence and risk factor for tuberculosis (TB) in HIV patients on ART, Niger
Author(s): A. Foucher, Y. Madec, S. Diallo, Z. Thiousso, I. Dillé, S. Gambo, HA. Souna, A. Oumarou, A. Manou, GM. Laoual, Al. Touré, C. Pizzocolo, L. Pizarro, A. Fontanet
Download the presentationDecentralized access to triple therapy and viral load monitoring in West Africa (Mali)Author(s) : A. Akondé, Y. Madec, AB. Dicko, I. Haidarra, I. Katile, B. Diarra, M. Kye, A. Doumbia, C. Pizzocolo, C. Katlama and the Segou Medical Technical Committee
Download the presentationA method of HAART decentralization in rural areas: Solthis' experience in Segou (Mali)Author(s) : P. Teisseire, A. Akondé, C. Pizzocolo, S. Calmettes, S. Dalglish, N. Bodo, L. Pizarro
Download the presentationPrevention of mother-to-child transmission of HIV (PMTCT) in a rural setting : the experience of the Segou region in MaliAuthor(s) : CD. Traoré, A.akondé, T. Samake, T. Traoré, Y. Coulibaly, O. Coulibaly, A. Sidibé, D. Germanaud, Z. Traoré, A. Maiga, AG. Marcelin, C. Pizzocolo, C. Katlama and the Segou Medical Technical Committee
Download the presentationAppraisal of treatment modification in HIV patient follow-up in the region of Segou (Mali)Author(s) : J. Landier, A. Akondé, C. Pizzocolo, I. Haidara, M. Drabo, L. Pizarro, A. Fontanet, C. Katlama, Y. Madec
Download the presentationEtude virologique chez des sujets VIH-1 suivis à MadagascarAuthor(s) : F. Lamontagne, S. Andriantsimietry, ML. Chaix, JP. Viard, M. Randria, J. Nely, S. Randriamampionona, C. Aguilar, S. Royer, C. Pizzocolo, LR. Razanakolona, C. Rouzioux
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International AIDS Conference – Mexico City, August 2008
HIV-infected children in the context of the Niger Initiative on Antiretroviral Access (INAARV), Niger (West Africa)Author(s) : R. Abdoulaye-Mamadou, I. Adehossi, Y. Madec, C. Dezé, W. Alkassoum, M. Mahamane, I. Daouda, M. Amadou, D. Germanaud, C. Pizzocolo, S. Mamadou, C. Katlama and the National Technical Pediatric Committee
Download the presentationLooking for lost to follow-up patients: experiences of Segou (Mali)Author(s) : G. Lurton, A. Akondé, Y. Madec, P. Teisseire, T. Traore, B. Touré, D. Cissé, C. Koumaré, C. Pizzocolo, L. Pizarro, C. Katlama, and the Segou Medical Technical Committee
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Les perdus de vue dans la file active de la région de Ségou
Les personnels de santé face au Sida et à la prise en charge des PVVIH à Niamey. Transformation ou reproduction des représentations et pratiques habituelles ?
Enquête comportementale face aux Accidents d'Exposition au Sang (AES) dans deux structures sanitaires de Zinder (Niger)
Author(s) : M. Aminou Brah, C. Dézé
Author(s) : AG. Marcelin, B. Jarrousse, A. Derache, M. Ba, ML. Dakouo, A. Doumbia, I. Haidara, A. Maïga, G. Carcelain, G. Peytavin, C. Katlama, V. Calvez
Journal : Aids - 2007, 12;21(17):2341-3
Apports et limites des ONG dans la lutte contre sida au Bénin
L’impact de la situation socio-économique sur la réussite de la prise en charge pour les patients vivants avec le VIH/Sida et l’effet de l’identité d’être malade de Sida sur la pauvreté – Travail suite à une enquête de terrain au Mali.
L'observance au Niger : une approche socio-anthropologique utile à l'action
Author(s) : JP. Olivier de Sardan, A. Diarra, A. Moumouni
Download the presentationEvaluation des patients VIH/Sida ayant bénéficié d'un traitement ARV au sein de l'INAARV (Initiative Nigérienne d'Accès aux Antirétroviraux) : résultats à 2 ans
Author(s) : M. IdéDownload the presentationInfections opportunistes (IO) chez les patients infectés par le VIH traités par ARV au sein de l'INAARV (Initiative Nigérienne d'Accès aux Antirétroviraux)
Author(s) : B. MadougouDownload the presentationSolthis : une ONG médicale au service des pays du Sud
Author(s) : L. PizarroDownload the presentation
Evaluation d'un programme d'accès décentralisé aux antirétroviraux au Mali
Author(s) : AB. Dicko, MH. Maiga, A. Akondé, Y. Madec, C. Pizzocolo, le Comité thérapeutique de Ségou et le groupe de travail Solthis
Download the posterMise en place de la numération des lymphocytes T CD4+ par cytométrie de flux et suivi immunitaire des patients sous traitement antirétroviral à Ségou (Mali)
Author(s) : A. Maiga, B. Jarrousse, I. Haidara, L. Tegna, G. Carcelain, B. Autran, C. Katlama, le comité thérapeutique de Ségou et le groupe de travail Solthis
Download the posterEvaluation des enfants de moins de 5 ans nés de mères séropositives incluses dans l'INAARV
Author(s) : R. Abdoulaye-Mamadou, G.M. Lawal, A. Soumana, A. Gali-Yaroh, I. Adéossi, A. Harakoye, A. Diatta, M. Idé, Saïdou, C. Dézé, le comité médical technique du Niger et le groupe de travail Solthis
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Les visites à domicile auprès des PVVIH à Niamey (approche socio-anthropologique)
Author(s) : A. Derache, Al. Maiga, O. Traoré, A. Akondé, M. Cissé, B. Jarrousse, V. Koita, B. Diarra, G. Carcelain, F. Barin, C. Pizzocolo, L. Pizarro, C. Katlama, V. Calvez, AG. Marcelin
Journal : Journal of Antimicrobial Chemotherapy - Sep;62(3):456-63
Evaluation of safety and toxicity of nevirapine-containing regimen (D4T-3TC-NVP) in ARV nevirapine naive patients in Niamey (Niger)
Author(s) : V. Meyssonnier-Pizarro
Solthis: evaluation of a decentralized program for access to ARV in Ségou (Mali)Author(s) : B. Jarrousse, A. Doumbia, M. Ba, E. Klement, L. Tegna, B. Diarra Sonou, Z. Traore, D. Traore, B. Touré, S. Tchiombiano, B. Dembélé, C. Tétrel, A. Maïga, G. Carcelain, AG. Marcelin, B. Autran, C. Katlama
Pour un accès gratuit et décentralisé aux antirétroviraux en Afrique subsaharienne : l'expérience de Solthis dans la région de Ségou, au MaliAuthor(s) : E. Klement, Z. Traoré, B. Jarrousse, L. Tegna, C. Tétrel, C. Katlama
Pharmacy teams Solthis have developed a simple and visual for measuring the period of availability of ARVs on the scale of a health facility, region or country, taking into account the needs related to growth the extension of the support.
For each molecule, the period of availability (n) can be determined from three parameters:
requirements necessary for initiations monthly (a)
requirements necessary for patients already on treatment (b)
stocks available (SD)
By its graph, this...
For active learning and fun of the management of HIV
Solthis offers a card game "The Therapeutic involved" in the form of a box intended for health professionals from developing countries to improve their knowledge of the management of HIV and its control in daily practice. Designed in 2008, this game has been used and tested regularly during the training provided by Solthis teams and their partners on the ground.
Sidaction to support for building Solthis pharmacists, helped edit a...
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