Solthis – Niger: 29 health workers of the Epidemiological Surveillance Unit (CSE) trained at PLHIV care's data management software
A third session is underway and a post-training follow-up mission is planned from May14 to 27
11 May 2017 | Informations
The sessions organized by Solthis allowed to train 29 staff from 29 prescribing sites (national and regional hospitals, district and maternal health centers) at the use of two HIV data management softwares: FUCHIA, the national software for PLHIV data management and Fugen (Fuchia Generator), a complementary software provided by Solthis to facilitate the development of monthly reports. Indeed, Fugen automatically generates monthly reports from databases under Fuchia. Note that 14 sites out the 29 trained are new in the program since they have not yet started to use FUCHIA for PLHIV data management.
The training was organized as part of Solthis technical support to the Sectoral HIV / STI / AIDS Control Unit (ULSS) for the monitoring and evaluation of PLHIV care management.
A third training session is underway this week, during which 15 staff from 15 sites already using FUCHIA are being trained. A post-training follow-up mission is planned for next week May 14-27 to provide technical support to data-entry officers and provide them with in-depth training