Solthis Therapeutic Solidarity and Initiatives for Health

Health is a right
Having access to it is vital

28 May: Menstrual Hygiene Day

1 June 2023


(In french)

For Menstrual Hygiene Day on 28 May, Solthis launched a campaign on social networks from 25 to 29 May.

This “Did you know?” campaign provides information on menstrual hygiene and on the DSSR initiatives implemented by Solthis via various projects such as : PAJES, POUVOIR, AGIR, LAHIYATA, JADES 2 et SANSAS.

Did you know ?

2/3 = the proportion of young girls in the world who do not know that they are menstruating when it happens for the first time.

Solthis works on health education to reappropriate the body and knowledge through the AGIR, PAJES and SANSAS projects.

In order to be better able to tackle questions of anatomy and physiology, Solthis wanted to equip itself with education/training materials that were faithful to anatomical reality and recent scientific data, culturally adapted and able to be used with audiences with varying levels of health literacy and for whom orientation on anatomical charts can be difficult. We called on the services of a textile designer who offers 3-dimensional anatomical boxes.

Knowing your body better is an essential prerequisite for physical autonomy. It’s all about empowering people: a person who knows his or her body well can be more active on issues relating to his or her own health and better able to assert his or her rights and choices.

Did you know ?

Over a lifetime, menstruation is equivalent to a cumulative period of 6 years.

Solthis works to facilitate access for young girls and women to safe and appropriate menstrual protection at all stages of their lives. In Côte d’Ivoire, the organisation offers a menstrual disc that can be used during sex to reduce certain risky practices among sex workers. To meet the needs of adolescent girls, Solthis is also working with ApiAfrique, a social enterprise based in Senegal, to offer healthy and comfortable washable towels.


Did you know ?

Periods represent 20% of missed school time, caused by the pain of menstruation and the impossibility of accessing sanitary protection or changing facilities.

Menstruation periods represent 20% of missed school time, caused by the pain of menstruation and the impossibility of accessing sanitary protection or changing facilities.

Solthis, through the Lahiyata project, will work on a global approach by collaborating with school infirmaries and school clubs and by distributing reusable sanitary protection (washable towels) in schools.


Did you know ?

35% of consultations in ENDA mobile clinics as part of the SANSAS project are devoted to menstrual health and hygiene.

As part of the SANSAS project, Solthis is running mobile clinics run by our partner ENDA Santé in Mbour and Sédhiou, Senegal, giving young people and adolescents access to free consultations. Of the 5,652 young women seen for consultations, nearly 2,000 expressed a need for periodic protection.


Did you know ?

Period pains have been trivialised. If the pain does not subside with medication and prevents you from carrying out your usual activities, you are talking about painful periods and should not hesitate to consult a health professional.

Menstruation can cause pain of varying intensity and a variety of symptoms. When these pains do not subside with the use of medication, and when they prevent women from carrying out their usual activities, we speak of painful periods.

In the contexts in which we work, healthcare professionals are generally poorly trained in these issues, so menstrual health is poorly integrated into SRH services. Painful periods tend to be trivialised; conversely, symptoms that may be normal (such as irregular periods in young women) tend to be perceived as pathological. To this end, Solthis is working to strengthen the skills of carers by developing specific modules on the subject and supporting them through coaching/tutoring sessions directly in the departments.




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