Solthis Therapeutic Solidarity and Initiatives for Health

Health is a right
Having access to it is vital

SANSAS youth develop their advocacy

7 February 2023 |  , , , ,

From January 9 to 15, the National Incubation Lab for the Sansas project was held in Dakar. This meeting brought together youth and civil society organizations (CSOs) to define their vision for a better consideration of reproductive health rights (RHR) and gender equality in Senegalese public policies. These 25 young people and representatives of CSOs that defend the rights of youth and women and fight against gender inequality, along with the members of the SANSAS project consortium,... Read more


3 February 2023


On 18 January, the closing ceremony of our JADES2 project was held in Niamey, Niger, chaired by the Ministry of Public Health, in the presence of all our partners and representatives of the beneficiaries. Among the remarkable points that have enabled the empowerment of young people and adolescents to be increased: Establishment of exchange spaces between youth-friendly centres and integrated health centres to promote the sharing of experience and good practice. Support on the issue... Read more

How the SANSAS project is improving technical knowledge and skills in SRH

20 January 2023 |  


Cathy Laetitia Mancabo has been the midwife of the Diallocounda health post in the department of Bounkiling since November 2021. Located 43 km from the health center of Bounkiling, this post operates for fourteen villages, three of which border Gambia. Solthis, through the SANSAS project, is the only non-governmental organization to intervene in this health service delivery point, which unfortunately does not have any endowment funds from the town hall. Having participated in the project's... Read more

Best wishes for 2023

3 January 2023

Discover our animated GIF!   Read more

Solthis’ technical expertise in HIV self-testing

30 November 2022 |  , ,

Fighting HIV / AIDS

On the occasion of World AIDS Day, focus on the results and activities to promote self-testing that resulted from the ATLAS project. The ATLAS project, implemented by Solthis and IRD from 2018 to 2022, demonstrated that an HIV self-testing strategy in the context of a low general population epidemic but concentrated in key populations was feasible, acceptable, and sustainable over the long term. 400,000 HIV self-testing kits were distributed in Côte d'Ivoire, Mali and Senegal, 91% of... Read more

November 25th – International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women.

28 November 2022

GUINEANIGERCAPACITY BUILDINGHealth Service Provision InitiativesSTRENGTHENING SYSTEMS AND HEALTH SERVICESPromoting Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights

For November 25, the international day for the elimination of violence against women, Solthis mobilized from November 25 to 28: #EveryNoCounts Solthis has been working on a daily basis for several years to fight against violence against women and girls and to enable them to have access to sexual and reproductive health and rights, through numerous projects such as POUVOIR, AGIR, SANSAS and JADES2.   Our campaign began with an interview with Aurélie Philipps, our Sexual and... Read more

Training for better care of gender-based violence victims in West and Central Africa

23 August 2022

COTE D'IVOIREGUINEANIGERSENEGALCAPACITY BUILDINGCapacity building and empowermentPromoting Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights

From August 2 to 6, 2022, a training session was held in Saly, Senegal, for health workers and community actors, to improve the prevention of gender-based violence (GBV) and the care of survivors in Senegal, Guinea, Côte d'Ivoire and Niger. The training was organized by Solthis teams in collaboration with our Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights projects (SRHR): SANSAS, which aims to improve the reproductive health of young people in Senegal, PAJES in Guinea, which targets the... Read more

Solthis at AIDS 2022

29 July 2022

MALIADVOCACY FOR FAIR ACCESS TO QUALTITY HEALTH CARECommunity mobilisation and health promotionFighting HIV / AIDS

AIDS 2022 conference on HIV

Solthis participated to the 24th edition of the AIDS conference, AIDS 2022, to present the results of the ATLAS HIV self-testing project in West Africa.   Watch the replay of the intervention of Joseph Larmarange (IRD), in charge of the project research component: "Self Testing, Empowerment and Self Care: perspectives from lessons learned in implementing HIV self testing in West Africa" lors du symposium “ Self-testing to enhance HIV, Hepatitis C and Covid-19 diagnosis and... Read more

Improving access to Covid-19 testing in West Africa using rapid antigenic tests

29 June 2022


Lutte contre le Covid-19

The ECOVAN/ECOVAM studies in Mali and Niger evaluated the introduction of antigenic tests for COVID-19, combined with a triage strategy for symptomatic patients. The medical triage strategy allowed : +360% of suspected cases detected and offered a rapid antigen test The antigenic tests were : well accepted by caregivers and patients efficient: +170% of Covid-19 cases detected compared to PCR test reliable: 90% of antigenic rapid tests confirmed by PCR According to... Read more

Scaling up innovative health interventions

28 April 2022

Monitoring & Evaluation

Replays - passage à l'échelle des projets en santé

Watch the replays of the 4 sessions of the day (in french)   A look back at the discussion day "From pilot project to generalization of a health innovation, the delicate art of scaling up", organized on the 4th of April by Solthis in partnership with the AFD to discuss the challenges of scaling up and sustaining pilot projects in health so that more people can benefit from the innovation. More than 400 of you attended the workshop, in more than 25 countries, either face-to-face or... Read more

Empowerement of individuals and organisations: The importance of community based approaches in health

16 February 2022

Capacity building and empowermentFighting HIV / AIDSImprove the health of children in AfricaPromoting Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights

Empowerment des communautés

On 25 January 2022, Solthis and AFD co-organised the conference "Empowerement of individuals and organisations: The importance of community based approaches in health" in collaboration with its associative partners in Côte d'Ivoire, France, Guinea, Mali, Senegal and Sierra Leone. Find all the videos screened during the two round tables : Testimonial - Pauline KIBE, Civil Society Strengthening Advisor - Solthis, Sierra Leone Testimonial - Josiane Tety - Pouvoir Project Testimonial... Read more




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