Solthis operations in Benin lasted for three years. From 2004 to 2007, Solthis helped to decentralize care so that more patients could access the antiretroviral treatments needed to fight HIV/AIDS.
Solthis's operational context in Benin
In April 2004, Solthis conducted an exploratory mission to identify a potential operations center in the country, based on criteria predefined by the board of directors.
December 10, 2004 – Agreement signed with the Government of the Republic of Benin to:
- Begin decentralizing the Benin Initiative for Antiretroviral Access and the Prevention of Mother-to-Child Transmission at the Natitingou Department Hospital Center (planned site of the national program)
- Create access to antiretroviral treatments and the prevention of mother-to-child transmission at the Saint-Jean de Dieu de Tanguiéta Hospital (a site that has not yet been included in the national program)
This three-year agreement required the Government of Benin to take over all operations, including the supply of medicines and reagents, in December 2005 for the Natitingou Department Hospital Center (one year) and in December 2007 for the Saint-Jean de Dieu de Tanguiéta Hospital (three years).
Highlights of Solthis operations in Benin
Started: 2004
Ended: 2007
Partners: Government of the Republic of Benin
Areas of operation: the Atacora-Donga region
Focus of operation: HIV/AIDS, Mother and Child Health
Support for decentralization of medical care
- Training of physicians, caregivers, and NGO members on caring for HIV-positive patients and dispensing antiretrovirals, introduction of a clinical mentorship program
- Organization of an awareness campaign and offering of free, anonymous HIV screenings
- Compliance support
Mother and child health
- Systematic offering of quick HIV screenings for all women undergoing prenatal care
- Dispensation of a triple-therapy for all HIV-positive women being monitored in Solthis-affiliated sites
Introduction of a health information system
- Regular use of and updates to the ESOPE patient monitoring software
Supply and inventory management
- Creation of a buffer inventory for a real-time response to reagent issues facing laboratories at the various sites and the Free and Anonymous Voluntary Screening Center
- Establishment of an inventory of HIV/AIDS products
- Support for orders for HIV products