Technical assistance to Ministry of Health for an improved information system for logistic, procurement and supply management
Niger currently benefits from The Global Fund's Transitional Funding Mechanism (TFM) and its new funding model. Despite the improvements made by the country in the last few years in its supply management and HIV/AIDS medication reserves, there are still some challenges to overcome, such as collecting and reporting the data given by the treatment centres' pharmacies back to the central level of management, as well as organising and strengthening the central level in order to analyse and take advantage of this information. A needs assessment shows the call for a computer tool to ease stock management and patient management at treatment centres and local, regional and national institutions. This tool will be used for inputting data for both HIV and tuberculosis.
Project Start: February 2015
Project Area: Niger Budget: €77,500 Financial Source: MAEDI (Ministère des affaires étrangères et du développement international, Minister of Foreign Affairs and International Development) Initiative 5% Canal 1 Beneficiary: DPHL/MT DPHL/MT (Direction des pharmacies, des laboratoires et de la médecine traditionnelle: Management of Pharmacies, Laboratories and Traditional Medicine) |
Improve the efficiency of the supply management in Niger; put into action the computerisation of the pharmaceutical and logistical management.
- A teamwork exercise for the two professionals at the start of the project
- Host meetings with the national shareholders in order to finalise the software
- Complete an inventory of existing software
- Help the shareholders select the new software, while regarding the existing software
- Guide the partners through the administrative procedures of buying the software
- Develop the technical and pharmaceutical aspects of the chosen software and make any required adaptations during any of the stages of development (e.g. pre-testing, testing, post-testing)
- Feedback with the software developer regarding the adaptations made
- Participate in the creation of training material of the software for users and supervisors
- Train the shareholders in the use of the software (both at central level and at pilot sites)
- Organise a post-training follow-up including guidance, mentoring and formative supervision (a minimum of 2 follow-up sessions are planned for each pilot site)
- Organise test phase workshops and an end of project assessment
- Make recommendations on extending the project to other sites
- Support the DPHL during the setting-up of workshops by devising and running a software-testing workshop and a training workshop for the 18 users at the 8 pilot prescription centres at central level
- Devise and run an assessment workshop during the testing phase
- Help the DPHL in the supervision and post-training follow-up of the pilot sites
Expected Results
- A piece of software specifically adapted for the situation in Niger and developed using the World Bank funding
- The software will be trialled at several treatment centres
- The central level and pilot site users will be trained in the use of the software and a post-training follow-up undertaken
- A test phase assessment will be carried out and recommendations made in order to expand the use of the software at other sites
This English translation has been possible thanks to the PerMondo project: Free translation of websites and documents for non-profit organisations. A project managed by Mondo Agit. Translator: Peter Bryant ; Proofreader: Matt Hattam.