Capacity building of 4 structures working on risk reduction in Abidjan, Bouaké, Yamoussoukro and San Pedro in terms of fundraising and donor relations (Cote d'Ivoire)
Context :
In Côte d’Ivoire, drug use is a growing concern, but the level of access to care for people who use drugs (PUD) remains very low. In addition to this, there is great insecurity, repression and criminalization, strong stigmatization and discrimination. These barriers to care led actors such as Médecins du Monde (MdM) to conduct a bio-behavioral survey in 2014 in drug use sites, called smoking rooms. This survey estimated the number of PUD in Abidjan to be around 10,000. Their drug use, their precarious living conditions and their sexual practices expose PUDs in particular to sexually transmitted infections (STIs), hepatitis, HIV and tuberculosis (TB) with high prevalences: 5.4% for HIV, and 9.8% for TB (i.e. 50 times more than in the general population). MdM, in partnership with several implementing partners (IPs) including Espace Confiance, has developed a harm reduction (harm reduction) project for the PUD. As part of phase 3 of this project, a capacity building plan has been developed for each IPs of the project, both at the technical and operational levels and at the level of support functions. It takes the form of training and coaching, and is supervised by a capacity building manager at MdM. It is currently being implemented. In order to anticipate the end of the Initiative’s funding (end of December 2023) and to ensure the continuity of the service offer for the PUDs, in particular the funding of dedicated offers and the community health approach, it is necessary for MdM’s partners to benefit from capacity building in terms of resource mobilization. Solthis has been selected to provide this technical support.
General objective :
To strengthen the capacities of 4 structures working on risk reduction in Abidjan, Bouaké, Yamoussoukro and San Pedro in terms of fundraising and donor relations.
Specific objective:
OS1: To provide individualized support through on-site and distance coaching in order to develop a resource mobilization strategy specific and adapted to each structure and accompany its implementation
OS2: To provide collective support to the beneficiary organizations of the technical assistance in order to strengthen their capacities in terms of fundraising and donor relations
Expected results:
R1: A resource mobilization plan is developed by each structure and the methods and tools to do so are understood by the TA beneficiaries
R2: The organizations are supported in the implementation of their fundraising plan
R3: The 4 organizations are able to identify the different sources of accessible and available funding (public and private donors, foundations, philanthropy, etc.) and to identify the main requirements of a donor contract (application, implementation, accountability, donor relationship)
▪ Needs analysis report for each IPs
▪ Results of the skill-building evaluation conducted in the form of a brief training report (including pre/post tests before group training workshop, participants’ self-
assessments, participants’ evaluation of the training)
▪ Mentoring report written by IPs (sessions will be identified in the simple global table listening, for each sessions, dates, particiânts, topics covered and comments)
Dates (start/end) | 04/2023-06/2025 |
Source of funding | Expertise France (l'Initiative) |
Recipient Name | Espace confiance (main beneficiary), ENDA Santé, APROSAM and ASAPSU |
Budget | 70 966 EUR |
Country | Cote d’Ivoire |