Solthis at AIDS 2020
6 au 10 Juillet

Solthis teams are waiting for you at the 23rd edition of the international conference on HIV, AIDS, which will takes place online from July 6 to 10. An important opportunity for actors in the fight against HIV to share their experiences and discuss new challenges. Solthis will intervene on the introduction of HIV self-testing in West Africa and on the prevention of mother-to-child transmission of HIV in Guinea.
- Satellite symposium: “Towards Sustainability and Scalability of HIV Self-Testing: Solutions for Low- and Middle- Income Countries” (7 juillet – 17h)
- Stand: “Field experience of HIV self-screening dispensation and its challenges”. Intervention by Odé Kanku Kabemba, ATLAS Project Manager in Mali and partners from Mali and Côte d’Ivoire (6 July from 15 to 16h)
- Posters:
- “HIV stigma limits the effectiveness of PMTCT in Guinea, the ANRS 12344 Diavina trial” / étude ANRS-12344 Diavina
- “Making HIV viral load accessible is not enough, OPP-ERA Project“ / Projet OPP-ERA
- “Challenges of HIV self-tests distribution for index testing in a context where HIV status disclosure is low: preliminary experience of the ATLAS project in Bamako, Mali“/
Nota Bene : given the virtual nature of the conference, the sessions will remain accessible throughout the week.