According to World Health Organization (WHO) estimates, in Gabon the incidence of all forms of tuberculosis (TB) and relapses was 521 cases per 100,000 population in 2019. During this year, the NTP reported 5399 new and relapsed cases for a total of 5573 reported cases. In 2019, regarding multidrug-resistant tuberculosis (MDR-TB), 66 cases were laboratory-confirmed out of 122 estimated cases, including 63 cases of MDR-TB (drug-resistant TB to rifampicin and several drugs) and 3 cases of XDR-TB (extensively drug-resistant TB). The cohort of new and relapsed TB patients registered and treated in 2018 has a treatment success rate of 50% and 51% respectively. The case fatality rate for tuberculosis is estimated at 0.22 per 100,000 population in 2019. Despite the significant progress recorded in the fight against TB, many shortcomings persist such as: the high rate of TB patients lost to follow-up, the inadequacy and instability of health personnel involved in the management of TB, the low detection of TB in vulnerable population groups (PLWHA, prisoners, children under five years of age, indigenous populations, etc.) and the low hospital capacity of services for the management of patients with MDR-TB.
Duration | 07/2021 – 11/2021 |
Source of Funding | Canal 1 – L’initiative (Expertise France) |
Beneficiary | Multisectoral Coordination Committee (CCM) of Gabon |
Budget | 56 098 € |
Country | Gabon |
General Objective
To support the National TB Program in the revision of the National Strategic Plan and the development of the TB Concept Note to be submitted in August 2021 and the grant making process.
Activities and expected results
- National priorities previously established by the National Strategic Plan are discussed and validated by all stakeholders
- The TB Concept Note is developed through an open, participatory, and inclusive country dialogue
- All documents required for the grant are in line with Global Fund expectations
- Support the analysis of the programmatic and financial gaps for the Concept Note and the National Strategic Plan budget review
- Support the country dialogue process on national priorities for TB prevention, care, and treatment
- Support the complete drafting of the Concept Note and the facilitation of the Concept Note feedback workshop
- Support the preparation of the validation file for the Concept Note and other requests for clarification
- Support the finalization of the performance framework, detailed and summary grant budgets
- Support the quantification of drugs and other health products for the grant