Solthis wants to capitalise on and consolidate its expertise on health service provision as shown in Fig. 2 above. This work aims to improve access for the greatest number to high-quality services. This work, which involves both organisational and technological innovations, will focus on two areas:
Continuing to improve the quality and performance of all aspects of health services, as shown above. Strong emphasis will be placed on the experience of patients and users, by improving both the medical and non-medical aspects of services.In addition, in terms of safety for patients and caregivers, Solthis will consolidate the progress made over the last few years relating to the infection prevention and control (IPC), hospital hygiene, the proper use of health products, and appropriate medical procedures.
Participating in the development of the content and organisation of health services along the continuum of prevention and care, in order to meet the needs of individuals for a global management care. In addition, faced with the emerging issues of chronic illness, multiple pathologies, and fragmentation of services, strong emphasis will be placed on the optimisation of care pathways and their organisation. This work on the provision of services will also provide the opportunity to understand this provision in its diversity, both private and in the community, including demedicalised services, to integrate them into broader coherent and coordinated frameworks. The ATLAS self-test project is a good example of coordination between interventions which are different in type and status.
Solthis will also aim to
- develop the capacities of providers and health institutions. The establishment of favourable conditions for these health services, particularly in terms of infrastructure and equipment, is very important for ensuring optimal working conditions for caregivers, and safety for patients.
- encourage contact between users, health professionals and civil society protagonists, to come to an agreement about needs, ways of improving existing services, and developing new services.
- take advantage of technologies, in particular digital technologies, where applicable, and where the prerequisites are met. These technologies offer opportunities of providing new health services by overcoming distance (teleconsultation for example), as well as improving the level and quality of services provided (teleassessment).